Last Wednesday night was our last Forty Day group meeting, and instead of turning the group over to Pastor Warren, I decided to pull the content for that evening from the previous Sunday sermon ( also part of the Forty Day curriculum, and well delivered by our pastor, thanks Stacey) and Mark Driscoll's Vintage Jesus (page 160something). It was the first time that I ever lead a topical Bible Study, though I think it went rather well. Worship is an all encompassing topic. We spent time defining what worship was and wasn't ( we decided that music was only a very small part of it ), and what worship looked like practically in our lives.
Here are a few of our talking points...
- We are all worshippers Christian or not
- Worship isn't a musical style (thank you Jesus!)
- Worship is holistic and on going
- Without sacrifice or a person or object of glory, worship is not happening
- Worship costs us something (or everything)
Oh man! I am very upset that I missed out Wednesday. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this.